
Picture is sunset in the background and mountains in foreground. White writing overlayed reads "There's plenty of joy to be found if you just remember to look" and the Worldwide Well-being white written logo below.

Finding Joy

It can be difficult to find happiness when our minds are preoccupied with unease and distress. We often convince ourselves that we need certain things in place before we can truly enjoy life and find fulfilment. However, it's important to appreciate the beauty around us and be grateful for each little moment along the way towards our goals.

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Picture of 5silhouettes jumping against a sunset in the background with the writing "What is Happiness?" in white.

The Secret to Happiness

Happiness is a mental state that arises from our thoughts and varies from person to person. It is not a single thing or event, but rather a sense of peace and contentment. Our thoughts about things can prevent us from experiencing happiness even when we would otherwise feel happy.

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