Nothing is Impossible

nothing is impossible blog
Nothing is impossible; why I love the limitless opportunities of this conversation! 

Exploring The Three Principles with Sarie Taylor

As you probably already know, if you have read or watched any of my content, I used to suffer with such debilitating anxiety, so much so that I was hospitalised and suffered unnecessarily for many many years after that.

That was until I came across The Three Principles (you can read more about those here). When people ask me what changed, its difficult to explain, but if I was to simplify;

became more comfortable with the discomfort that I often felt at the hand of my thinking.

Therefore, I was more accepting and patient of my humanness. And with that everything changed.

I stopped beating myself up.
I no longer saw myself as broken.
I realised I misunderstood human nature and that felt scary.

My life instantly began to change.

Over the years since then I have had more and more insights and my life has continued to improve in ways I never imaged possible. 

One thing that I had accepted as one of my blind spots was that I just didn’t like flying.

Previously I could not get on a flight without some kind of medication from the doctor. Even then the build up for weeks before and the experience of the flight itself was what I could only describe as horrendous!

I would sit and focus on every tiny sound and bump, I would be in a state of hypervigilance and would often be sick or cry a lot (I would try and do this quietly so nobody would notice!). I hated that I was like this.

Fast forward to last week.

I went away with a friend for someone's birthday party in Ibiza. All of my ‘triggers’ as I would have seen them before were there!

A flight, being away form my family, long days and nights and new and unknown hotel and so on.

I would have previously been so anxious about this and the build up would have been huge.

Years ago I even called a friend I was due to go away with the following day and let her down last minute and said I could go - I had worked myself up into such a state that I was in fight or flight and felt completely unable to move, never mind get on a flight and go away. 

So why am I sharing this with you?

I want you to see hope - whatever your blind spots.

Nothing is ever permanent and there is always a fresh perspective giving you a very different experience of life.

I never ever thought I would see the day where I enjoyed a flight and a holiday away without my immediate family - and I did!

I had a ball and I will definitely be planning on going again! (Sorry Matt if you are reading this!).

How did this happen?

I stopped trying so hard to love flying.

I accepted it may always be uncomfortable for me: and that's OK.

I continued to explore the true nature of what it meant to be human (something I will do until the day I die!).

And as if by magic - I find myself continually having insights and falling more and more in love with life all the time. 

My message to you is don't ever lose hope and continue to explore with an open mind and see what happens! Begin your exploration with me in my free 60 minute introduction Understanding Anxiety: A Lesson Towards Clarity - it's just the beginning and a fantastic place to start becoming comfortable with the discomfort caused by your thoughts.

If you found this blog useful, please drop me a comment below, I'd love to hear your insights too!

Managing Anxiety Through The Three Principles: Why Waiting for 'Next' Is Holding You Back
How to Break Free from Distraction: Giving Yourself Permission to Rest and Reset


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Are we overcomplicating mental health? 

The continuous spiral of talking about mental illness and neglecting to discuss mental health that’s within us all! 

Finding herself in a mental hospital for a month aged 22, her worst fears of going crazy had come true! Sarie truly believed she was broken for many years, and now sees that this was in part due to massively over complicating what it meant be a human being. After a long period of exploring and training as a psychotherapist, still burning out every 18 months for another ten years, Sarie finally found the answer, and now shares the surprising simplicity of it all to help others get the same relief. 

Sarie has trained as a transactional analysis psychotherapist, as well as working and training in many other therapeutic disciplines, such as NLP, CBT, DBT and hypnotherapy. Sarie is also an author, celebrity coach and therapist, working with thousands of people a year, of all ages, all over the world. Her main aim is to help them really see the simplicity and beauty behind human nature, getting out of their heads and into their lives, being able to see that the inside out nature of life really is a gift. This removes limitations and stories they may hold about themselves, and as a result finding an ease and contentment in life they often never knew was possible. 
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