Ashamed of Being Anxious?

Blog ashamed of being anxious

Overcoming Anxiety: Breaking the Stigma and Embracing The Three Principles

I had a conversation with my business coach recently about some changes I’m making and the exciting things I’ll be launching in the coming months. As we talked, I realised something that holds me back from promoting what I offer to people struggling with anxiety. I don’t have any problem sharing about my business or my work, but when it comes to the anxiety side of things, I hesitate.

For example, I could ask for client feedback or even video testimonials, but I always assume they’d prefer to remain anonymous, if they even want to share at all. I’ve often thought that people are reluctant to admit they feel anxious or have struggled with anxiety.

The Stigma Around Anxiety: Time to Break the Silence

I’m very open about my own experiences, so it hit me hard when I realized I might be unconsciously reinforcing the stigma. By assuming that others want to keep their struggles private, I’m inadvertently contributing to the shame surrounding anxiety.

But here’s the truth: there’s no reason to feel ashamed.

If I can share my story freely, why shouldn’t others feel comfortable doing the same? The stigma around being human - experiencing anxiety, fear, and doubt - is unnecessary. It’s up to businesses like mine to challenge this and help people embrace their human experience without fear or shame.

We all work the same way underneath, and anxiety is a part of that.

Anxiety Is a Normal Human Experience

So why am I sharing all of this? I want you to reflect on your own experience.

If you’ve ever felt ashamed or tried to hide your anxiety, ask yourself: do you really need to?

Anxiety doesn’t make you weak. It’s a natural part of being human - always has been, always will be.

The more we understand this, and the less we resist anxiety, the more it begins to ease. It’s nothing to be ashamed of.

Embracing Imperfection: The Key to Overcoming Anxiety

None of us are perfect, but here’s the thing: we are perfectly imperfect. There’s nothing fundamentally wrong with any of us. We simply misunderstand human nature, and this misunderstanding can distort our reality, often leading to unnecessary suffering.

Believe me, I’ve been there. I spent more years than I care to remember trapped in anxiety, believing something was wrong with me.

But here’s my current reality: my journey through severe anxiety has actually helped me create a life that I love.

In many ways, anxiety has been a gift - it’s just that I couldn’t always see it that way.

Sharing Your Story: The Power of Vulnerability

From now on, I’m going to unapologetically talk about anxiety, and I want to encourage others to do the same - when they’re ready. Sharing our stories is a huge part of self-acceptance, and it helps us approach others with understanding and compassion rather than fear or judgment.

We’re all doing our best. We are enough. If we could all see how phenomenal we truly are, without the burden of judgment and unrealistic expectations, we wouldn’t see so many people suffering from anxiety in the way they do now.

The Three Principles: A New Perspective on Anxiety

At the heart of overcoming anxiety is understanding The Three Principles: Mind, Consciousness, and Thought. When we see how these principles shape our experience of reality, we begin to realise that anxiety isn’t something to fight or fear. It’s a natural by-product of our thinking, and as our understanding deepens, our relationship with anxiety changes.

Let’s break the stigma, embrace our humanity, and allow anxiety to be part of our journey toward a life filled with acceptance, compassion, and joy.

And if you want to dive deeper into The Three Principles and understanding our Anxiety, you can start with my 3 Day Mini Course, Understand & Reduce Anxiety.

Together, we've got this!



How to Break Free from Distraction: Giving Yourself Permission to Rest and Reset
Are Setbacks in Anxiety Really What We Think They Are?


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Are we overcomplicating mental health? 

The continuous spiral of talking about mental illness and neglecting to discuss mental health that’s within us all! 

Finding herself in a mental hospital for a month aged 22, her worst fears of going crazy had come true! Sarie truly believed she was broken for many years, and now sees that this was in part due to massively over complicating what it meant be a human being. After a long period of exploring and training as a psychotherapist, still burning out every 18 months for another ten years, Sarie finally found the answer, and now shares the surprising simplicity of it all to help others get the same relief. 

Sarie has trained as a transactional analysis psychotherapist, as well as working and training in many other therapeutic disciplines, such as NLP, CBT, DBT and hypnotherapy. Sarie is also an author, celebrity coach and therapist, working with thousands of people a year, of all ages, all over the world. Her main aim is to help them really see the simplicity and beauty behind human nature, getting out of their heads and into their lives, being able to see that the inside out nature of life really is a gift. This removes limitations and stories they may hold about themselves, and as a result finding an ease and contentment in life they often never knew was possible. 
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